Tuesday, August 27, 2013

NEW ALBUM SONG PREVIEW plus some musings on faith...

So 10 tracks later...here we are with the new Funky Mama CD, "WORD!"
It's not available for download just yet, but will be in the next 2 weeks.
Until then...
Here is the next to last track "The Lord Bless You."
It comes from a blessing the Lord gave to Moses. (It's found in Numbers 6, if you have a Bible handy.) That's in the Old Testament, friends. Don't feel bad about using the Table of Contents in the front of the Bible. That's what it's there for!
This is often used as the Benediction (the sending or ending of a Christian service), so it's usually heard more quietly than my version, I'm sure, but I like to leave church with a bounce.

As I said in my last post, each track on this album is inspired by scripture or IS scripture being sung.
The style of this album is eclectic! I have hip-hop tunes, bluesy tunes, rock tunes and tunes like the one above which is just plain fun.

The MUSINGS start here...
I've had one inquiry about this new musical direction,
"What about your fans who aren't Christians? Will they want to listen to this?"

Let's talk about it.
When I had the fortunate blessing of teaching preschool music at Congregation Beth Shalom 6 years ago, I was listening constantly to music in Hebrew, learning the Hebrew alphabet ("Alef Beit Vet/Gimmel Dalet Hai..." I still remember most), and preparing to help with Shabbat singing, I was one of a few Christians in that beautiful place (maybe the only one).  My children also listened to all those CDs in Hebrew and went to many a Shabbat time with me. We were welcomed with open arms and my questions were answered with patience and without judgment. All the teachers there knew I was a Christian, AND they supported my music and who I was in my faith. I respected them and they respected me. It was a pretty easy relationship.
In fact, I can probably attribute the early success of Funky Mama Music to the families and teachers of Beth Shalom spreading the word about me across Kansas City. (And to Ms. Judy~the preschool's director~ who cooked for me herself in my kitchen after I gave birth to my 2nd son and forgot the favorite salad dressing, ran home to get it, came back and served my husband and I a meal while she held the baby. THAT is fellowship and love among sisters of different faiths.)

Do you know that I have texts of other faiths (mainly Judaism) in my home? I enjoy them so much. I believe this type of exploration only enriches my faith as a fully-devoted follower of Christ. I mean, Jesus was Jewish and I want to know the traditions, rituals, prayers, and festivals in which he and his family participated and made the fabric of their lives. His parents' revolved their lives around this faith, so I feel it's pretty important to study!

So, if you are a parent who has liked my music in the past, but isn't a Christian, please consider giving this a listen anyway.
I pray it opens up a dialogue about faith that is grace-filled and loving. I love to know people's stories and this album tells you a little bit more about mine.

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